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Health and safety in a changing world


IOSH is committed to evidence-based practice in workplace health and safety. We maintain a research fund to support research, lead debate and inspire innovation as part of our work as a thought leader in health and safety.

Our five-year research programme, Health and Safety in a Changing World, set out to explore the landscape of occupational safety and health and its implications for developing solutions that provide effective protection for workers and their communities.

Commissioned by IOSH, studies were undertaken by teams from the Institute of Occupational Medicine, Loughborough University, Cranfield University and the universities of Nottingham, Reading and Portsmouth, under the direction of Professor Robert Dingwall.

The findings are examined in a book, Health and Safety in a Changing World, edited by Prof Dingwall and former IOSH executive director of strategic development, Shelley Frost, and published by Routledge.

In addition to the Networks of influence final report, this study produced several supplementary reports that focused on various phases of the project; click on the links below to access:  

Safety leaders - who are they?
Safe working - designing safety practices for service sector organisations
Using audio-diaries to capture safety practices and incidental learning about safety
Social network influences on safety behaviours of employees in retail organisations

Last updated: 10 September 2024