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IOSH Awarding Organisation (AO)

IOSH is recognised by the Office of the Qualifications and Examinations Regulator (Ofqual) as an awarding organisation (AO) for occupational safety and health (OSH) qualifications. The AO is a part of the IOSH charity but is managed and administered by a separate team to further IOSH's charitable objects.

What we do

The decision to become an awarding organisation (AO) is part of our vision for a safer and healthier world of work. The main aim is to develop and recognise the excellence and expertise of OSH professionals to improve global standards in the OSH profession, making sure it is fit for the future.

We're committed to widening the market for OSH learning, reaching a diverse and global group of learners with the right choices for everyone. As part of this, we’ve signed the Federation of Awarding Bodies equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) pledge.

The IOSH Awarding Organisation is accountable to our AO committee and to Ofqual. It is responsible for:

  • designing, developing and awarding its regulated qualifications
  • approving study centres to deliver its qualifications.


“Upholding the highest professional standards, our qualifications meet the needs of learners across a range of employment contexts and support your journey into IOSH membership. Our network of approved study centres provides choice and flexibility in where and how you choose to study.”


Our qualifications

IOSH AO currently offers two global qualifications at:

  • level 6 (equivalent to level 10 in Scotland and level 6 in Europe), and
  • level 3 (equivalent to level 6 in Scotland and level 4 in Europe).

These qualifications give equal balance to core and behavioural skills, as well as technical knowledge. Assessments are designed to enable professionals to apply this knowledge at work.

Find out more about our qualifications and courses.

If you want to deliver our qualifications you can apply to become an IOSH AO approved study centre.

Please register your interest and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

Coming soon paper certificates

You’ll soon be able to request a paper version of your certificate. We’ll publish details of how to order one when this service is available.